Sunday, February 21, 2010

In the Garden

There are things in life that you just get lost in. You lose track of time, your thoughts focus. I find that kind of peace out in the garden. The fresh air, the weeding, the watering, the pruning, the's all very centering.
Since winter has not yet left the South, I've only been able to indulge in the more tedious, but very necessary, outdoor garden chores. Things like fixing the hard scape, amending the soil, weeding, and cleaning pots. BUT not was warm! The sun was out and the motivation high! We relocated an ill-placed tree and welcomed a new flowering Cherry tree to the landscape! I can't wait to see it bloom. If I'm lucky I'll get a few flowers this spring. I am definitely tired, but a good tired.


  1. I did it...check my blog..hope its ok? Your blog deserves to be read, I love that you gardened on the one warm day we had this its turned colder this week I am loathe to be outdoors....I'm staying warm and cozy inside until the weather hits 70 degrees!!! heehee.

  2. Love your blog - and I do miss Cottage Living magazine - I'll be back!
