Friday, May 14, 2010


I started this blog to explore things that inspire me and, along the way, share my journey. I am very fortunate to have many talented friends who motivate and inspire me on a daily basis. Friends with their own creative ventures. I want to start sharing these ladies with you! I love them all and have chosen to start with the longest friendships and work my way through!

In college I worked for many years with the most delightful person. Holly is a beautiful, witty, funny, and super talented (in many artistic pursuits)! Aside from her AMAZING sewing skills, she creates chic jewelry that feels modern and relevant and fun. Please check out her blog and her Etsy store to see for yourself!!!

1 comment:

  1. oh snap, amy! i got a tear in my eye when i read this! YOU are the sweetest. i can't thank you enough!!! thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!! :) xoxo
